Chitkul Weather

Chitkul in May

The minimun and maximum temperature in May in Chitkul is -3°C and 12°C respectively. The weather is generally pleasant and clear in May and you would feel chilling cold throughout the day. Heavy Woolen clothes are recommended for Chitkul in May.

Chitkul Weather in May

Days remain pleasant and clear but temp remains cold. Carry light woolen clothes.

Weather in Chitkul

Chitkul in Monsoon: Visiting Chitkul in the monsoon is not considered to be a good plan. This entire region experiences heavy rainfall in July and August. Landslides caused and roads can get blocked by incessant rains and resulting accidents are a common theme in Himachal during the monsoon season. 

Chitkul in Summer: Summers in Chitkul is short but definitely good times to visit. The weather will still be cold but on a pleasant side. Summer is considered the best time to visit Chitkul. 

Chitkul in Winter: Winters in Chitkul are harsh, long, excessively cold and never-ending (in a way). The entire village gets buried under several feet of snow and turns into a ghost town as the locals move out to lower areas. October marks the beginning of the winter season which lasts well until March-end to April first week.

Best time to visit Chitkul

The best time to visit Chitkul is definitely September. This is the time when the entire Kinnaur Valley comes to life. With all the colorful blossoms surrounding the area, the place looks extremely heavenly. You can witness the same even in June and August but that is the time of monsoon and you wouldn’t want to risk your holiday. 

Chitkul Temperature and Weather Details

Check out the month wise weather update for Chitkul


: -5°C / -21°C
: Snowfall
Even most of the locals would have moved out as the temperature will reach a freezing -5° C maximum and -21° minimum. It is the coldest month in Chitkul.


: -2°C / -17°C
The weather at this time will mostly be the same as in January. The village will remain buried under snow and inaccessible.


: 1°C / -13°C
There will be a high chance of snowfall throughout the month and the locals will start to move back in towards the end of March. Road connectivity is not guaranteed and will depend on the weather and the snow.


: 7°C / -8°C
Snow starts melting this month. But in some locations route remains unclear because of snow


: 12°C / -3°C
Days remain pleasant and clear but temp remains cold. Carry light woolen clothes.


: 18°C / 2°C
The region starts to experience pre-monsoon showers but only towards the end of the month.


: 20°C / 7°C
July officially marks the beginning of the monsoon season, though it can start to rain sometimes in June itself. Though monsoons are a bad time to visit the mountains


: 20°C / 7°C
August is more or less the same as July in terms of the weather, just a little greener.


: 15°C / 1°C
The vistas at this time are absolutely mesmerizing. Monsoon would be long gone but would have left plenty of greenery for you to enjoy.


: 10°C / -5°C
It is a magical time with the autumn arriving in and a lot of golden orange in the trees. Perfect for photography lovers.


: 3°C / -15°C
Road connectivity to Chitkul will be lost in November but even if it remained, it is not a safe month to go.


: -2°C / -19°C
The road will surely get blocked making the village inaccessible.