Karsog Weather

Karsog in May

The minimun and maximum temperature in May in Karsog is 15°C and 30°C respectively. The weather is generally sunny and clear in May and you would feel pleasant throughout the day. Summer Clothes clothes are recommended for Karsog in May.

Karsog Weather in May

Ideal weather to get around exploring all the points of interest in Karsog.

Weather in Karsog

Karsog in Summer: Karsog remains mildly cold, though sunny in the summer season.

Karsog in Monsoon: Monsoons are tough, landslides can occur. Visit the region during July and August if you wish to see the town heaving with fruits and greenery.

Karsog in Winter: Karsog Valley can get completely covered in a thick blanket of snow during the months of January and February. Winter months do experience snowfall and the region is converted into a magical wonderland.

Best time to visit Karsog

The weather of Karsog Valley remains perfect for traveling throughout the year. It is mildly cold during the summers. The best time to visit Karsog Valley is between July and August if you wish to see the town heaving with fruits and greenery.

Karsog Temperature and Weather Details

Check out the month wise weather update for Karsog


: 16°C / 2°C
: Pleasant And Clear
The right mix of cool weather and the right amount of moisture in the air makes January, a good time to visit Karsog.


: 18°C / 4°C
The air is moderately humid with average humidity being 76%. The weather is still cold in Karsog.


: 22°C / 7°C
The air is slightly humid and it is an ideal season to visit Karsog.


: 27°C / 11°C
This month is considered the best time to visit Karsog.


: 30°C / 15°C
Ideal weather to get around exploring all the points of interest in Karsog.


: 30°C / 17°C
Ideal weather to get around exploring all the points of interest in Karsog.


: 27°C / 18°C
the month of July has been observed as the peak season to visit Karsog and rightly so.


: 26°C / 17°C
the weather is humid, it is not hot enough to make you not like it outdoors


: 26°C / 14°C
the weather is humid, it is not hot enough to make you not like it outdoors


: 25°C / 11°C
The weather is nice and sultry, a good time to explore the best things to do in Karsog.


: 21°C / 7°C
The weather is nice and sultry, a good time to explore the best things to do in Karsog.


: 18°C / 4°C
The air is dry and cool. not really bad weather for a trip Karsog.