Mcleodganj Weather

Mcleodganj in May

The minimun and maximum temperature in May in Mcleodganj is 14°C and 26°C respectively. The weather is generally sunny and clear in May and you would feel pleasant throughout the day. Summer Clothes clothes are recommended for Mcleodganj in May.

Mcleodganj Weather in May

May is the best month to trek through Triund and Indrahar Pass and explore the flora and fauna of the region.

Weather in McLeodganj

McLeodganj in summer: Mcleod Ganj experiences soother temperatures at the beginning of the summer season in April. it is also a great time to trek through the Triund and Indrahar Pass and explore the flora and fauna of the region.

McLeodganj in monsoon: McLeodganj experiences monsoons between July and September. The region receives an average annual rainfall of 350 cm, McLeodganj transforms into a scenic paradise, but the amount of rain can make your trip extremely inconvenient.

McLeodganj in winter: Winter begins from October in McLeodganj and goes on till February. if your desire to experience the snow-clad suburb then they have to visit McLeodganj in winter. The weather is cold and chilly at times but is perfect to explore the beautiful terrain and go sightseeing. 

Best time to visit McLeodganj

The best time to visit Mcleodganj is between March to June in the summer season and October to February during winters. The region experiences pleasant summers with temperatures hovering around 25°C and cold and chilly winters with temperatures between -1°C and 9°C.

Mcleodganj Temperature and Weather Details

Check out the month wise weather update for Mcleodganj


: 11°C / 3°C
: Snowfall
Snowfall occurrence can be seen in the month of Jan in Mcleodganj. If you want to experience the suburb snow-clad, then visiting in winters is must be.


: 15°C / 5°C
Weather is cold and there is chances of Snowfall. Heavy woolen clothes are required during this season in Mcleodganj.


: 15°C / 6°C
This is the ideal time to visit Mcleodganj in the summer season.


: 21°C / 10°C
Summer season starts to begin in Mcleodganj in the starting of April.


: 26°C / 14°C
May is the best month to trek through Triund and Indrahar Pass and explore the flora and fauna of the region.


: 30°C / 18°C
Weather is pretty and pleasant during the month of June. One can travel during this month in Mcleodganj.


: 25°C / 18°C
Monsoon starts to begin in Mcleodganj in the month of July. There is heavier chance of rain during this month.


: 25°C / 18°C
Little rain can be seen during this month in Mcleodganj, your trip can be inconvenient due to excessive amount of water. Although you can see amazing beauty of this place after this rain.


: 24°C / 17°C
Pleasant and comfortable weather for your trip. Temperature during the month is minimum 17 degree and maximum 24 degree.


: 23°C / 13°C
The minimum and maximum temperature during the month is 13 degree and 23 degree.


: 19°C / 10°C
Pleasant and clear weather can be seen in the month of Nov, with a minimum and maximum temperature of 10 degree and 19 degree.


: 14°C / 5°C
It is the perfect time to explore the things. The weather is cold and chilly during the month of Dec.