Devidarh Weather

Devidarh in May

The minimun and maximum temperature in May in Devidarh is 18°C and 45°C respectively. The weather is generally sunny in May and you would feel hot throughout the day. Summer Clothes clothes are recommended for Devidarh in May.

Devidarh Weather in May

It is one of the hottest month of the season having a average temperature of 18 degree.

Weather  in Devidarh

Devidarh in winter: Winter in  Devidarh begins in December and continues till the end of February. Snowfall is  a common feature here, which adds up to the bitter cold in the town. The  average night temperature during the season hovers around 7°C, while the  maximum settles close to 27°C. 

Devidarh in summer: Summer  season in Devidarh starts in April and ends in Jun. During this period the  weather in the city is extremely pleasant and comfortable. This is the best  time to be in Devidarh

Devidarh in monsoon: June,  July, August, and September are the monsoon months for Devidarh. The city  observes moderate rain during this period. These are the rainiest months for  the city. It is therefore not a good time to visit the place.

Best time  to visit Devidarh

All over the year the climate of Devidarh is  very cool, Due to cold wave winter is very harass. In the month of Dec and Jan  heavy snowfall occurs. Over the year temperature varies from -7 degree to 30  degree over the year. The best time to explore Devidarh is summer.

Nearby Attraction

Mandi  Town - It is a beautiful town which is also known as chotti kashi with  a rich pahari culture.

Prashar  Lake - With an average height of 27030, the lake is situated in the  lap of mountains. The lake lies in a shaped valley and is surrounded by the snowcapped  peaks.

Saroa - The  beautiful place near chail chowk at a distance of 15KM from Devidarh and 45KM  from Mandi.

Rewalsar  Lake - It is also known as Tso Pema Lotus Lake, which is located at  23KM southwest from Mandi. It is a famous spot for Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists  alike.

Janjehli - The  place is surrounded by mountains and pine forest. For adventure activities  like, night safari, hiking, trekking and mountaineering this place is one of  the best place.

Barot - It is  a nice holiday/picnic spot situated at a distance of 33K from Mandi. Trout  fishing and ropeway is the major attraction for the tourist.

Kamru Nag  Lake - It is a resting resort for trekker which is situated at a height  of 3334M on the Mandi above the sea level. The trek can start from Rohanda  which is 40KM from Sundernagar and 60KM from Mandi.

Devidarh Temperature and Weather Details

Check out the month wise weather update for Devidarh


: 23°C / 5°C
: Pleasant And Clear
Summer season in Devidarh starts from the month of Jan and it is generally the most-preferred time when tourists from different parts of India visit this beautiful place and the temperature is minimum 5 degree.


: 27°C / 6°C
Feb is the month of winter in Devidarh with a minimum temperature of 6 degree and maximum temperature 27 degree.


: 39°C / 9°C
Devidarh is warm in the month of March and reasonable dry with a maximum temperature of 39 degree.


: 42°C / 17°C
April is the warmest month in Devidarh, it is hot and damp. Sunniest month of the year.


: 45°C / 18°C
It is one of the hottest month of the season having a average temperature of 18 degree.


: 46°C / 22°C
Little rain can be seen in the month of June. Woolen clothes are preferred in this month.


: 38°C / 14°C
The beginning of monsoon season in Devidarh starts in July and lasts till September. The little rain during this season make Devidarh very beautiful in this season.


: 24°C / 15°C
Aug is in the autumn in Devidarh it is warm and very wet. Temperature rises from 15 to 24 degree.


: 25°C / 11°C
Sep is the best month to visit Devidarh during winters. Winter is the best season to visit in Devidarh. Temperature is quite good in Devidarh for travel and holiday.


: 31°C / 10°C
Comfortable temperature will make your day good at Devidarh.


: 29°C / 9°C
It is one the month in a year which is recommended for visit in Devidarh.


: 24°C / 7°C
During winter enjoy a pleasant weather with fun activities in the Devidarh.