Shikari Devi Weather

Shikari Devi in May

The minimun and maximum temperature in May in Shikari Devi is 12°C and 44°C respectively. The weather is generally pleasant and clear in May and you would feel pleasant throughout the day. Summer Clothes clothes are recommended for Shikari Devi in May.

Shikari Devi Weather in May

Clear weather with a pleasant view can be seen during the month of May in Shikari Devi. Summer clothes are must be while visiting.

Weather in Shikari Devi

Shikhari Devi in Monsoon: Monsoon is the rainy season; it may rain briefly during the day or evening but will be sunny for the majority of the day. August has the most rainy days on average, making it the wettest month of the year.

Shikhari Devi in Winter: Winter is the best time to visit Shikhari Devi because of the excellent all-around weather, and it is also not during peak travel periods, so it is less likely to be crowded.

Shikhari Devi in Summer: Shikhari Devi's summer season is very pleasant and has a moderate climate, making it the ideal time to visit the place.

Best time to visit Shikhari Dev

The months of October to June are ideal for visiting the Shikari Temple in Mandi. Mandi is a popular tourist destination in Himachal Pradesh that is close to Kullu, Manali, and Dharamashala. The Mandi district in Himachal Pradesh is one of the most accessible.

Shikari Devi Temperature and Weather Details

Check out the month wise weather update for Shikari Devi


: 21°C / 2°C
: Chances Of Snowfall
Occurrence of snowfall can be seen during this month of Shikhari Devi. Best month to enjoy the weather in Shikari Devi.


: 24°C / 3°C
Temperature rises from 3 degree to 24 degree during the month of Feb in Shikari Devi.


: 36°C / 6°C
The weather of Shikari Devi in March is sunny and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in Mar is 6 and 36 respectively.


: 43°C / 15°C
The minimum temperature during the month of Apr is 15 degree.


: 44°C / 12°C
Clear weather with a pleasant view can be seen during the month of May in Shikari Devi. Summer clothes are must be while visiting.


: 45°C / 21°C
The weather of Shikari Devi in June is sunny and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in June is 21 and 45 respectively.


: 40°C / 23°C
Monsoon starts to begin during the month of Jul in Shikari Devi. Rainfall drops can be seen in this month around the year.


: 36°C / 20°C
Aug is the month which includes heavier rainfall during the year in Shikari Devi. Avoid travel during thing month due to rain, road blockages and land slides, etc.


: 34°C / 16°C
The weather of Shikari Devi in September is pleasant and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in September is 16 and 34 respectively.


: 32°C / 8°C
Oct is one of the best month to visit Shikari Devi


: 28°C / 6°C
The weather of Shikari Devi in November is chances of snowfall. The minimum and maximum temperature in Nov is 6 and 28 respectively.


: 24°C / 5°C
The weather of Shikari Devi in December is snowfall. The minimum and maximum temperature in December is 5 and 24 respectively.