Simbalbara National Park Weather

Simbalbara National Park in May

The minimun and maximum temperature in May in Simbalbara National Park is °C and °C respectively. The weather is generally in May and you would feel throughout the day. clothes are recommended for Simbalbara National Park in May.

Simbalbara National Park Weather in May

Weather in Simbalbara National Park

Simbalbara National park in winters: Winter is the best season to visit this sanctuary. Simbalbara Forest Rest House is well-connected from Puruwala and provides a beautiful view of the valley.

Simbalbara National park in monsoon: Simbalbara National Park witnesses heavy rainfall which leads to several landslides and roadblocks. Avoid traveling to Simbalbara National Park during monsoon.

Simbalbara National park in summer: Simbalbara National Park in summer is the best time to visit from April to November because the weather remains pleasant this time.

Best time to visit Simbalbara National Park

The best time of the year to visit the Simbalbara National park is between the months of April to November and also in the months of October and November. You can also enjoy walking on foot from the surrounding forested area. Avoid monsoon season to visit Simbalbara National Park.

Simbalbara National Park Temperature and Weather Details

Check out the month wise weather update for Simbalbara National Park


: °C / °C
The weather of Simbalbara National Park in January is . The minimum and maximum temperature in Jan is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Simbalbara National Park in February is . The minimum and maximum temperature in Feb is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Simbalbara National Park in March is . The minimum and maximum temperature in Mar is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Simbalbara National Park in April is . The minimum and maximum temperature in April is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Simbalbara National Park in May is . The minimum and maximum temperature in May is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Simbalbara National Park in June is . The minimum and maximum temperature in June is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Simbalbara National Park in July is . The minimum and maximum temperature in Jul is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Simbalbara National Park in Aug is . The minimum and maximum temperature in August is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Simbalbara National Park in September is . The minimum and maximum temperature in September is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Simbalbara National Park in October is . The minimum and maximum temperature in October is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Simbalbara National Park in November is . The minimum and maximum temperature in Nov is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Simbalbara National Park in December is . The minimum and maximum temperature in December is and respectively.