Kalpa Weather

Kalpa in May

The minimun and maximum temperature in May in Kalpa is 2°C and 14°C respectively. The weather is generally pleasant and clear in May and you would feel cold throughout the day. Heavy Woolen clothes are recommended for Kalpa in May.

Kalpa Weather in May

May is one of the best months to visit Kalpa, the weather remains pleasant.

Weather in Kalpa

Kalpa in Summer: Summer is the best time to visit Kalpa because the weather remains pleasant and is best for outdoor activities. Remember to pack light woolens and scarves as the nights get quite chilly.

Kalpa in Winters: Winter in Kalpa is harsh, with temperatures ranging between 2°C and 20°C, sometimes dropping to as low as -15°C in extreme conditions. The views of the snowy mountains are exquisite, and the clear skies ensure great visibility too.

Monsoon in Kalpa: Kalpa witnesses heavy rainfall in monsoon which leads several landslides and roadblocks.

Best time to visit Kalpa

Summer is the best time to visit Kalpa because the temperature ranging from 8 to 24 degree. The winters beginning from October to May are long and freezing while summers are short from June to September.

Kalpa Temperature and Weather Details

Check out the month wise weather update for Kalpa


: 0°C / -10°C
: Snowfall
Kalpa witness heavy snowfall and extremely chilling cold weather.


: 3°C / -10°C
The temperature is still extremely cold but less cold as compared to January. You will witness snowfall as well.


: 6°C / -7°C
The temperature remains very cold you need heavy woolen in march as well.


: 10°C / -1°C
Days are sunny and clear but the nights are cold, the temperature goes down at night time.


: 14°C / 2°C
May is one of the best months to visit Kalpa, the weather remains pleasant.


: 18°C / 7°C
The weather remains pleasant, days are sunny and clear but the night gets colder.


: 20°C / 10°C
July comes in the monsoon season and the place witnesses heavy rainfall.


: 21°C / 10°C
August also witness rain and it is not a good time to visit Kalpa.


: 20°C / 8°C
September is the best month to visit Kalpa, the weather remains pleasant this time.


: 14°C / 1°C
Winter starts in Kalpa in October, you will need heavy woolen clothes in October.


: 9°C / -3°C
Kalpa witness snowfall in November, the temperature goes down in minus at night


: 3°C / -9°C
December is the one of the coldest month in Kalpa, you will need heavy woolen cloths