Places near Kalpa

If you are travelling to Kalpa, we recommend you visiting the following nearby places around Kalpa. Include these nearby places in your itinerary and make your visit to Kalpa more memorable.

Baspa: Baspa River begins from the Baspa Hills and later merges with River Sutlej, it is a home to the locals of Tibetan culture. The river happens to be a favourite spot for anglers' since fishes of great variety is found here. It is situated at a distance of 61 km away from Kalpa.

Batseri Village: Batseri Village is located on the left of the River Baspa. It is surrounded by palm trees and deodar trees, The village is a good place to buy artefacts and local handicrafts. You can also buy locally famous items like handmade shawls and Kinnauri caps. It is located at a distance of 45 km away from Kalpa.