Hamirpur Weather

Hamirpur in April

The minimun and maximum temperature in April in Hamirpur is 19°C and 32°C respectively. The weather is generally rains in April and you would feel pleasant throughout the day. Summer Clothes clothes are recommended for Hamirpur in April.

Hamirpur Weather in April

Light woolen clothes required in the month of April as little rain can occur in this month.

Weather in Hamirpur

Winter Season in Hamirpur: Winters in Hamirpur start in November and last till February The climate is pleasantly cool and the temperature ranges from 19°C to 32°C. It is the best time to visit Hamirpur.

Summer Season in Hamirpur: Summers of Hamirpur is hot and humid. The temperature ranges from 22°C to 38°C in the months of April to June.

Monsoon Season in Hamirpur: Monsoon Season in Hamirpur starts from July and lasts till early September. The place looks beautifully fresh having been washed by the rains.

Best time to visit Hamirpur

The best season to visit Hamirpur is the winter season. The temperature remains comfortable and is perfect for sightseeing. The best months to visit are October, November, December and February, and March.

Hamirpur Temperature and Weather Details

Check out the month wise weather update for Hamirpur


: 18°C / 8°C
: Pleasant And Clear
In the month of Jan you can feel the best winter morning experience in Hamirpur. Snow peaks can be seen in some other parts of Hamirpur.


: 21°C / 10°C
It is cold during the month of Feb. Nights are colder and in the daytime weather is pleasant.


: 27°C / 14°C
Spring season can be seen in the month of Mar. One of the comfortable and pleasant weather in the year is Mar.


: 32°C / 19°C
Light woolen clothes required in the month of April as little rain can occur in this month.


: 36°C / 23°C
May is the sunniest month in the year. Summers are hot with less humidity.


: 38°C / 26°C
During summers its very hot in the month of June. One should avoid visit during this month.


: 34°C / 25°C
It is foggy in the mornings during the rainy season. One can feel the clouds and fog during this month.


: 31°C / 23°C
Monsoon can be seen in this month with the greenery view of nature. Clouds in the sky and much more can be feel in the month of Aug.


: 31°C / 21°C
Clear and sunniest weather can be seen in this month of Sep. With a minimum temperature of 21 degree.


: 29°C / 17°C
Weather is very pleasant and comfortable in this month. Few places in the months of Oct are covered with the clouds.


: 25°C / 13°C
Nov is the month of Autumn. Beautiful nature with scenic view can be seen in this month.


: 20°C / 9°C
Good weather to travel and stay during the Dec in Hamirpur.