Himachal Weather

16 Feb 2025
16° C
3° C
Partly Cloudy
07:02 AM
06:09 PM

Today's weather of Himachal is expected to be Partly Cloudy with a maximum temperature of 16° C and a minimum temperature of 4° C. The average humidity in Himachal would hover around 47%.

The February month in Himachal is generally snowfall and you would feel chilling cold throughout the day. Heavy Woolen are recommended in February. The weather in the month of Feb remains cool and some high mountains receive snowfall. Woolen clothes will be required in this month.

Today's Hourly Weather forecast for Himachal

11 AM
13° C
Partly Cloudy
Feels like 13° C
Partly Cloudy
Humidity 30%
Cloud cover 48%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
12 PM
14° C
Partly Cloudy
Feels like 13° C
Partly Cloudy
Humidity 29%
Cloud cover 55%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
01 PM
14° C
Partly Cloudy
Feels like 14° C
Partly Cloudy
Humidity 28%
Cloud cover 46%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
02 PM
14° C
Feels like 14° C
Humidity 28%
Cloud cover 85%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
03 PM
13° C
Partly Cloudy
Feels like 13° C
Partly Cloudy
Humidity 30%
Cloud cover 52%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
04 PM
13° C
Feels like 13° C
Humidity 31%
Cloud cover 97%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
05 PM
16° C
Feels like 16° C
Humidity 40%
Cloud cover 100%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
06 PM
14° C
Feels like 14° C
Humidity 43%
Cloud cover 100%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
07 PM
13° C
Feels like 14° C
Humidity 44%
Cloud cover 95%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
08 PM
13° C
Feels like 13° C
Humidity 44%
Cloud cover 64%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
09 PM
12° C
Feels like 11° C
Humidity 46%
Cloud cover 100%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
10 PM
12° C
Feels like 11° C
Humidity 46%
Cloud cover 99%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
11 PM
12° C
Partly Cloudy
Feels like 11° C
Partly Cloudy
Humidity 45%
Cloud cover 59%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm

Himachal Weather forecast for next 2 days

17 Feb 2025
17° C / 4° C
07:01 AM
06:10 PM
Humidity 19%
Cloud cover 0%
Precipitation 0mm
Chances of rain 0%
18 Feb 2025
17° C / 3° C
07:00 AM
06:11 PM
Humidity 16%
Cloud cover 6%
Precipitation 0mm
Chances of rain 0%

Overview of Himachal Weather

Weather in Himachal

Himachal in winters: Winter is the best time to witness and experience another beautiful side of Himachal. Some popular hill stations to visit during the winters are Shimla, Manali, Narkanda, and Kasauli. The season of winter begins in Himachal Pradesh in the month of November and lasts till March.

Himachal in Summer: Summer is also the best time to visit Himachal Pradesh if you’re planning on doing some adventure sports such as trekking, camping, paragliding, kayaking, hot air ballooning, and white-water rafting. Summer here lasts from March to June and the climate is pleasant with just a few thunderstorms and pre-monsoon showers cooling down the temperature further. 

Himachal in Monsoon: Monsoon in Himachal Pradesh starts in July. Monsoon might actually be the best time to visit Himachal for honeymooners and couples. The hills turn a lush green from all sides and Dalhousie gets most of the rain. Although the rain turns the state mesmerizing, there is an increased danger of landslides at this time so it's always better to be forewarned. 

Best time to visit Himachal Pradesh

Himachal Pradesh has three seasons – summer, winter, and monsoon. Each season has its own advantages. February to June (Spring and Summer) is the best time to visit Himachal. The pleasant, and most popular time to visit is the winters, i.e., between October and February when it's the snowfall season. Himachal Pradesh is all about larger-than-life sceneries, glorious mountains, and comfort food.

Activities: Himachal Pradesh offers a wide range of activities, including trekking, camping, paragliding, skiing (in winter), and exploring the rich cultural heritage of the region. Each season presents unique opportunities to enjoy the stunning landscapes and vibrant local culture.

Monthly Weather Overview

: 22°C / 5°C
: Snowfall
With a minimum and maximum temperature of 5 degree and 22 degree can be seen in the month of Jan. Snowfall could occur in this month.
: 27°C / 6°C
: Snowfall
The weather in the month of Feb remains cool and some high mountains receive snowfall. Woolen clothes will be required in this month.
: 39°C / 9°C
: Chances Of Snowfall
During these seasons, the hilly terrain of Himachal Pradesh receives pleasant temperatures. In the month of Mar, the state experiences springtime.
: 44°C / 17°C
: Sunny And Clear
Summer in Himachal Pradesh lasts from April to June. However, because of the high altitude, abundant forests, and cool mountain breezes, the climate is cooler than on the mainland.
: 45°C / 18°C
: Pleasant And Clear
This season is ideal for sightseeing, shopping, and visiting Himachal's picturesque villages, which are easily accessible during the summers.
: 46°C / 22°C
: Pleasant And Clear
It is strongly advised that tourists visit Himachal Pradesh at the start of the rainy season, preferably in June. Thus it will be a ideal month for your trip and travel in the Himachal.
: 39°C / 18°C
: Heavy Rains
The rains have an impact on the majority of city life. Some tourist attractions are also prone to landslides, erosion, and flooding, limiting the areas tourists can visit.
: 27°C / 17°C
: Rains
The average rainfall varies greatly in this month. Its better to avoid visit during this month. As traveling during this month can impact on your travel.
: 28°C / 16°C
: Pleasant And Clear
At the end of the monsoon season. Wide range of average rainfall can be seen in this month.
: 29°C / 13°C
: Pleasant And Clear
The weather is very nice with temperature in the month of October. It is not a off season but mid season where you will find lots of people near you.
: 30°C / 9°C
: Pleasant And Clear
Beautiful transformation during the winters can be seen in the month of Dec, when it's the snowfall season.
: 24°C / 7°C
: Snowfall
This is also the best time for skiing and ice skating. Places like Rohtang Pass, Kufri and Shimla are quite popular tourist destinations.