Kangra Weather

Kangra in May

The minimun and maximum temperature in May in Kangra is 23°C and 38°C respectively. The weather is generally sunny in May and you would feel hot throughout the day. Summer Clothes clothes are recommended for Kangra in May.

Kangra Weather in May

Ideal weather to get around exploring all the points of interest in Kangra.

Weather in Kangra

Kangra in winter: Winter in Kangra is extreme and one must travel with suitable clothing. If you love the cold, the breathtaking beauty of the snowy mountains, and the chilly weather is best enjoyed during the early months of winter.

Kangra in Summer: Summers in Kangra starts to set in during the last week of March, with the sun beaming in by the start of April and staying all the way until June. The weather during this season is warm, but also pleasant during the day and cool during the night.

Kangra in Summer: The beauty of Kangra during this season is absolutely breathtaking. The months from July until the end of September in Kangra, see heavy showers that make the region completely wet.

Best time to visit Kangra

The best time to visit Kangra is during the summers, as the climate is warm and pleasant at the same time, making it just right. Avoid monsoon to visit Kangra because the place receives heavy rainfall which leads several landslides and roadblocks.

Kangra Temperature and Weather Details

Check out the month wise weather update for Kangra


: 19°C / 8°C
: Pleasant And Clear
The air is dry and cool. not really bad weather for a trip Kangra.


: 22°C / 10°C
The weather is nice and sultry, a good time to explore the best things to do in Kangra.


: 28°C / 14°C
The weather is nice and sultry, a good time to explore the best things to do in Kangra.


: 34°C / 18°C
Ideal weather to get around exploring all the points of interest in Kangra.


: 38°C / 23°C
Ideal weather to get around exploring all the points of interest in Kangra.


: 40°C / 26°C
Ideal weather to get around exploring all the points of interest in Kangra.


: 37°C / 25°C
the month of July has been observed as the peak season to visit Kangra and rightly so.


: 35°C / 23°C
the weather is humid, it is not hot enough to make you not like it outdoors


: 34°C / 21°C
This month is considered the best time to visit Kangra.


: 32°C / 18°C
Ideal weather to get around exploring all the points of interest in Kangra.


: 27°C / 13°C
the weather is humid, it is not hot enough to make you not like it outdoors


: 21°C / 10°C
The air is slightly humid and it is an ideal season to visit Kangra.

Kangra Tour Packages

Bungee Jumping in Bir Billing
Same Day
₹. 2,500.00