Naldehra Weather

Naldehra in May

The minimun and maximum temperature in May in Naldehra is 15°C and 30°C respectively. The weather is generally sunny and clear in May and you would feel pleasant throughout the day. Summer Clothes clothes are recommended for Naldehra in May.

Naldehra Weather in May

A great time to visit Naldehra and a tourist high season as well. The temperature lies in the sweet spot for traveling.

Weather in Naldhera

Naldhera in summer: Naldehra becomes a tourist hotspot during summer due to its comfortable and pleasant weather. This is the ideal time to play golf here amidst the spectacular Himalayan terrain.

Naldhera in monsoon: Naldehra receives moderate to low rainfall during the monsoons. It is one of the few hill stations in India which can be visited during the monsoons as well.

Naldhera in winters: Winter begins in Naldhera in October and it stays till February. Naldehra becomes a dreamlike destination during this season. This is the perfect time to visit Naldehra to enjoy its fascinating snowy charm.

Best time to visit Naldhera

Naldhera is visited throughout the year but summer is the best time to visit Naldhera because the weather remains pleasant and quite moderate during this time. You can also enjoy a bit of rain during that time which makes the visit more memorable. Naldehra is pretty cold in winter, it difficult to visit all the tourist attractions comfortably.

Naldehra Temperature and Weather Details

Check out the month wise weather update for Naldehra


: 16°C / 2°C
: Pleasant And Clear
Evenings are chilly but afternoons are quite pleasant paving way for a sightseeing trip to the city's highlights.


: 18°C / 4°C
The relevantly high humidity during this month makes for pretty chilly afternoons too.


: 22°C / 7°C
Warm and pleasant daytime temperatures, coupled with the right amount of dampness in the air make March the best time to visit Naldehra.


: 27°C / 11°C
Although the dry air can make you rush to a bottle of moisturizer more often, the temperature lies in the sweet spot for traveling.


: 30°C / 15°C
A great time to visit Naldehra and a tourist high season as well. The temperature lies in the sweet spot for traveling.


: 30°C / 17°C
A great time to visit Naldehra and a tourist high season as well. The temperature lies in the sweet spot for traveling.


: 27°C / 18°C
The weather is great for outdoors, the air being moderately humid.


: 26°C / 17°C
The weather is humid, it is not hot enough to make you not like it outdoors.


: 26°C / 14°C
The weather is humid, it is not hot enough to make you not like it outdoors.


: 25°C / 11°C
This weather is perfect to go sightseeing around the city of Naldehra.


: 21°C / 7°C
An ideal situation to get around exploring all the points of interest in Naldehra.


: 18°C / 4°C
The air is dry and you can experience the chill in the air. This is not really bad weather for a trip here.