Shikhar, Almora

Near Shikhar Tiraha (Crossroad) Mall Road, Almora, Uttarakhand- 263601
Rs. 500

Shikhar, Almora Photos

Planning to book Shikhar in Almora? Check out 26 pictures of Shikhar. Almora Shikhar latest photos and image gallery with real pictures of Shikhar interior and exterior views, room pictures. Almora hotel Shikhar pictures are from professional photographers, hotel owners, tourists and from Team eUttaranchal as well. These photos of Almora Shikhar hotel will help you plan and book your Almora tour.

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Hotel Shikhar, Almora Picture Disclaimer: Most of the Shikhar photos are copyright images of or provided by hotel owner or marketing/sales team for promotional activities. However, there might be few images of Almora Hotel Shikhar, which are taken from various online sources, mostly with Creative Common (CC) license and credit/source of respective owner is clearly mentioned. Just in case, if you find any picture of Shikhar hotel with copyright issue, you can mail us at [] with the link of actual hotel/Resort image. The respective photo will be removed at the earliest.

If you have any good quality photos of Shikhar hotel of Almora then you can submit at []. The image will be published with proper credentials.