Places near Chail

If you are travelling to Chail, we recommend you visiting the following nearby places around Chail. Include these nearby places in your itinerary and make your visit to Chail more memorable.

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Gaura and Jhajja: Gaura and Jhajja is one of the best place to visit near Chail. You will reach by trekking through the rocky trails of Gaura and Jhajja. Start the trek from Chail and go all the way to Gaura and Jhajja. There are some great viewpoints where you can sit and enjoy the raw beauty of nature.

Naldhera: Naldhera is situated at a distance of 55 km away from Chail on the lofty Himalayan Mountains and fringed by the verdant forests of cedar and deodar, Naldehra is a stunning hill station and one of the best excursion from Chail. Naldehra is also home to many sacred Hindu temples that add to the charm of this beautiful place.

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