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Riverdale International School Bazpur is a co-educational residential school in Udham Singh Nagar district. This Bazpur school is affiliated to CBSE and prepares its standard 10 and 12 students for All India Senior Secondary Examination (AISSE). This school in Bazpur is one of the best CBSE school in Udham Singh Nagar and strives to achieve and maintain the highest standard of excellence in the field of education empowering the future generation.
The school aims to graduate young students beyond mere theoretical domains of education and instill a sense of practicality and expertise in useful skills. The decorum of hard work, craftsmanship is given scope to thrive alongside the common core of school subjects and activities.
Riverdale International School Bazpur curriculum is based on the latest CCE (Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation) pattern adopted by the CBSE. The school prepares its students for CBSE Board. Besides the regular subjects, third language (Sanskrit or Punjabi) is also a compulsory subject for classes V to VIII.
The school has the following facilities for its students:
Riverdale International School Bazpur admissions after registration and admission tests. Document needed for admission are :
Nainital Road, Bazpur - 262401, Uttarakhand, India | |
Bazpur, Udham Singh Nagar | |
+91-5949 - 282259, 282803 | |
contact@riverdaleinternational.in | |
www.riverdaleinternational.in |
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