Bir Billing Weather

Bir Billing in May

The minimun and maximum temperature in May in Bir Billing is °C and °C respectively. The weather is generally in May and you would feel throughout the day. Summer Clothes clothes are recommended for Bir Billing in May.

Bir Billing Weather in May

Following is the weather and climatic condition of Bir as majority of tourists stay in Bir only and visit Billing for adventure activities only.

The climate at Bir is moderate and pleasant for the most part of the year. The temperature in Bir varies from 4 degrees celsius during winters night to 45 degrees celsius in the summer afternoon. I am going to describe temperature, weather conditions and views of Bir Billing in different seasons.

During Winters (Dember to February): In December it’s generally cold in Northern India and since Bir Billing lies in northern India the average temperature over here varies from 4 degrees celsius during the night to 22 degrees during day time.

During the Spring season(February to March): Spring is one of the most pleasant seasons for northern India. The temperature during this period varies from 21 degrees Celsius during night time to 36 degrees celsius during daytime in Bir Billing. Snow starts melting and you will get a beautifully decorated Bir Billing’s bird view.

During the Summer season(April to June): The temperature during this period varies from 25 degrees Celcius during nighttime to 45 degrees Celcius during the afternoon. If you wish to enjoy the best view during this time then go paragliding in the evening just before sunset. The whole valley will turn orange with white snow shining in the background. This perfect blend will be enough to relieve all your senses.

During the Rainy Season(July to August): During this period we mostly avoid paragliding because of the humid climate and high wind speed. The temperature during this time is between 23 degrees during nighttime and 32 degrees during the afternoon.

During the Autumn season(September to November): This season is also perfect for paragliding. Wind speed and climate condition most of the time is idle during this period. The temperature of the Bir Billing at this time varies from 21-degree Celcius at midnight to 30-degree celcius in the afternoon.

Best Time To Visit Bir Billing

The weather is generally pleasant throughout the year, but the clearest views are available from August to December after the monsoon, and if you're lucky, Billing might even see a new snowfall toward the end of the year. Though best time when most tourist and adventure seekers visit is from March to June months.

Bir Billing Temperature and Weather Details

Check out the month wise weather update for Bir Billing


: °C / °C
The weather of Bir Billing in January is . The minimum and maximum temperature in Jan is and respectively.


: 11°C / 22°C
The weather of Bir Billing in February is . The minimum and maximum temperature in Feb is 22 and 11 respectively.


: 16°C / 26°C
The weather of Bir Billing in March is pleasant and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in Mar is 26 and 16 respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Bir Billing in April is . The minimum and maximum temperature in April is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Bir Billing in May is . The minimum and maximum temperature in May is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Bir Billing in June is . The minimum and maximum temperature in June is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Bir Billing in July is . The minimum and maximum temperature in Jul is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Bir Billing in Aug is . The minimum and maximum temperature in August is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Bir Billing in September is . The minimum and maximum temperature in September is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Bir Billing in October is . The minimum and maximum temperature in October is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Bir Billing in November is . The minimum and maximum temperature in Nov is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Bir Billing in December is . The minimum and maximum temperature in December is and respectively.

Bir Billing Tour Packages

Sky Cycling in Bir Billing
Same Day
₹. 1,600.00
Paragliding in Bir Billing
Same Day
₹. 2,200.00
Bungee Jumping in Bir Billing
Same Day
₹. 2,500.00