About GMVN TRH in Yamkeshwar (Pauri Garhwal)
Yamkeshwar TRH by GMVN is a budget guest house located near Yamkeshwar Mahadev Temple. TRH Yamkeshwar serves guest with clean and sanitized accommodation having all basic amenities and facilities. The rooms in Yamkeshwar TRH are categorized in Economic and Dormitory.
Location of Hotel GMVN Yamkeshwar Tourist Rest House
GMVN TRH Yamkeshwar is located at 48 kms from Rishikesh ahead of Neelkanth Mahadev Temple.
Rooms Information
GMVN TRH Yamkeshwar offers comfortable accommodation in its 04 Economy Rooms and 08 Dormitory. Each room provides attach bath, TV and other basic amenities.
Dining in GMVN Yamkeshwar Tourist Rest House, Pauri Garhwal
The restaurant in the GMVN Yamkeshwar serves hygenic food and local cuisines too.
Facilities, Services
- Hot water supply, attach bathroom, clean bed
Contact GMVN for Booking
Head Office, Dehradun
GM (Tourism)
Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd., 74/1, Rajpur Road, Dehradun-248001
Phone : +91-135-2740896, 2746817, 2749308, 2748478
Fax : +91-135-2746847
E-mail: gmvn@gmvnl.in, gmvn@sancharnet.in
Web: www.gmvnl.com
Rishikesh - Tourist Information Centre, Yatra Office
Shail Vihar, Haridwar By Pass Road, Rishikesh - 249201.
Phone : +91-135-2431793, 2431783, 2435174, 2430799
Fax : +91-135-2430372
E-mail: yatra@gmvnl.in, yatraoffice@sancharnet.in