About GMVN TRH Kaleshwar (Karnaprayag)
Kaleshwar GMVN Tourist Rest House is a budget rest house near Karanprayag on the route to Badrinath. Situated on the bank of Alaknanda river, GMVN Kaleshwar offers economic rooms and dormitory for guest accommodation at a budget price.
Location of Hotel GMVN Kaleshwar Tourist Rest House
GMVN Tourist Rest House Kaleshwar is located at 9 kms ahead of Karnaprayag. Joshimath is at 75 kms from the rest house.
Rooms Information
The GMVN TRH in Kaleshwar offers 15 Economy rooms at a budget price. Each room privides all necessary amenities and facilities such as attach bathroom, hot water supply etc
Dining in GMVN Kaleshwar Tourist Rest House, Karnaprayag
There is a restaurant in the rest house serving sumptuous food to its guests.
Facilities, Services
- TV, attach bath, hot water supply
- Parking, Restaurant
Contact GMVN for Booking
Head Office, Dehradun
GM (Tourism)
Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd., 74/1, Rajpur Road, Dehradun-248001
Phone : +91-135-2740896, 2746817, 2749308, 2748478
Fax : +91-135-2746847
E-mail: gmvn@gmvnl.in, gmvn@sancharnet.in
Web: www.gmvnl.com
Rishikesh - Tourist Information Centre, Yatra Office
Shail Vihar, Haridwar By Pass Road, Rishikesh - 249201.
Phone : +91-135-2431793, 2431783, 2435174, 2430799
Fax : +91-135-2430372
E-mail: yatra@gmvnl.in, yatraoffice@sancharnet.in