Kids Paradise Public School is a co-educational English medium school located in Dineshpur, Udham Singh Nagar in Uttarakhand. The school is affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi and provides value-based education from Primary to Class XII.
Established in 2006, Kids Paradise Public School was founded with the aim to provide knowledge for the children of rural areas. The school has the best infrastructure facilities ideal for the learning of children.
Curriculum in Kids Paradise Public School, Dineshpur, US Nagar
The school follows a standard curriculum by CBSE, New Delhi. It imparts an interactive and practical based learning methods for teaching.
Facilities in Kids Paradise Public School, Dineshpur
The school has well-structured facilities like Classrooms, Sports, Transportation, Library and Computer Labs.
Admission in Kids Paradise Public School, Dineshpur
Admission in Kids Paradise Public School starts from April month and registration forms are available from the school office.