Govind Wildlife Sanctuary FAQs

There are lot of questions while planning a journey. To ensure that your preparations run smoothly, we have the answers to the questions most frequently asked about travelling to and in Govind Wildlife Sanctuary. Govind Wildlife Sanctuary useful information for travellers with reliable local advice. Latest Govind Wildlife Sanctuary Frequently Asked Questions and Answers for your upcoming visit to Govind Wildlife Sanctuary. Get all the solutions to your query with eUttaranchal Travel Help Desk.

Govind Wildlife Sanctuary is famous as Wildlife Tourism, Adventure, Trekking, Bird Watching, National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries, with over 8 Places to See in Govind Wildlife Sanctuary. Nearest Airport from Govind Wildlife Sanctuary is Jolly Grant Airport Dehradun, 231 kms and Nearest Railway Station is Dehradun, 207 kms.

General FAQs

What is an area of the Govind Wildlife Sanctuary?

Govind Wildlife sanctuary covers an area of 958 sq km and includes mountains like Swargarohini, Black Peak, and Bandarpunch.

What is the altitude of the Govind Wildlife Sanctuary?

Ans:- The altitude at the park ranges from the average elevation of 1400mts to an astonishing 6323mts.

What are the nearest airport and railway stations from Govind Wildlife Sanctuary?

Jolly Grant Airport is the nearest airport and Dehradun railway station is the nearest railway station for Govind Wildlife Sanctuary in Uttarakhand.

What is the best time to visit Govind Wildlife Sanctuary?

The best time to visit the Govind wildlife sanctuary is from April- June and then from September to November. Avoid traveling here in Monsoon as traveling to the hills in monsoon is discouraged as the weather is unpredictable during this time. The roads tend to get slippery and the region is prone to unexpected landslides, cloudbursts, and roadblocks.

What are the things to keep in mind while traveling to Govind Wildlife Sanctuary?

Govind Pashu Vihar Wildlife Sanctuary is home to many endangered species of flora and fauna. Be a responsible tourist and abide by the guidelines outlined by the forest authorities.

Why is Govind Wildlife Sanctuary famous?

Govind Wildlife Santuary is famous for sanctuary and wildlife that consists of Chirpine, scrub tropical Euphorbia scrub and oak species. Apart from the sanctuary and wildlife, it is a popular tourist destination, mainly because of the beauty of its snow-clad peaks and glaciers. Govind Wildlife Sanctuary is also famous for its Flora and Fauna. The place attracts many trekkers and the most popular of the treks being the lush green Har ki Dun Valley Trek.

How many bird species are there in Govind Wildlife Sanctuary?

Govind Wildlife Sanctuary has 150 – 160 different bird species. You can also find Himalayan Black Bears and Brown Bears, Snow Leopard and Musk Deers in this wildlife sanctuary.

What are the best places to visit in Govind Wildlife Sanctuary?

Can you customize a trip?

Ans:- Yes, if you would like to travel independently, you are invited to choose any of the trips at your convenient time frame for any number of people. Cost for private trip is fixed on the basis of group size, and duration.