The minimun and maximum temperature in September in Chakrata is 14.8°C and 21.2°C respectively. The weather is generally cloudy and rains in September and you would feel pleasant throughout the day. Light Woolen clothes are recommended for Chakrata in September.
Chakrata Weather in September
Days are sunny and bright in Chakrata in Sep month with cold and fresh air. Temp remains pleasant for outdoor activity.
Chakrata Weather update: Chakrata received fresh snowfall on 7th Jan 2020.
Chakrata Weather and Best Time to Visit
Summers: Max. 30C, Min. 10C Winters: Max 15C, Min. - 5C (Chakarata receives heavy snow falls in winters) Clothing: Winters - Heavy Woolen , Summers - Cotton & Light Woolen Best Season: April to June and Sept. to Nov. Rainfall: 178 Cms Per annum
Chakrata in summers
During summers the weather of Chakrata remains pleasant and salubrious. Carry light woolens while traveling to Chakrata during summers. The majestic Himalayan peaks are distinctly visible during summers and the mountain breeze steals the show at Chakrata.
Chakrata in monsoons
The snow clad Himalayas plays hide and seek during monsoons with clouds obstructing most of the views. A wide variety of verdant colours can be seen from Chakrata during the monsoon months. The monsoon months at Chakrata stay from the month of July till September. Experience the wilderness of nature during these months. Enjoy the sip of tea, gazing at the verdant mountains and listen to the sound of raindrops falling on the tree leaves. There are chances of getting roads blocked for a couple of hours due to landslides but the scenic beauty of Chakrata during monsoons is worth it. Do carry raincoats with you.
Chakrata in winters
Chakrata receives snowfall during winters and heavy woolens are required during this season. Tranquility and seclusion are at its best during winter months in Chakrata. Snow capped Himalayas are best seen from Chakrata during winters. Enjoy bonfires and barbecues at Chakrata during winter months.
Chakrata Temperature and Weather Details
Check out the month wise weather update for Chakrata
: 10.7°C / -5°C
: Covered With Snow
Chakrata witness snowfall during winter season. This time is best for honeymoon couples.
: 12.4°C / 3.9°C
In feb, the days are bright and cold with pleasant aroma. Good for outdoor activities.
: 16.8°C / 7.6°C
March remains cold in Chakrata, Days are pleasant with winter aroma. Temp could goes further down at night.
: 21.8°C / 12°C
April is an ideal month to travel Chakrata. Days are pleasant, clear and warm with the sweetness of wintry ambience.
: 25.7°C / 15.6°C
In May, Chakrata becomes the best weekend getaway for summers. Days remains slightly cold with pleasant aroma.
: 25.3°C / 17°C
Sunny and clear days with the ambience of cold. You can feel the air.
: 22°C / 16.5°C
Infrequent shower with warm and pleasant days.
: 21.2°C / 16.1°C
Occasionally rainfall expected. The nearby surrounding turns into a dense green carpet of nature.
: 21.2°C / 14.8°C
Days are sunny and bright in Chakrata in Sep month with cold and fresh air. Temp remains pleasant for outdoor activity.
: 19.5°C / 11.3°C
In Chakrata, Oct is the month of arrival of Winter but days remain warm and sunny with cold winter breeze.
: 16.4°C / 7.5°C
Temp goes slightly down in Chakrata on this month. Days remains pleasant and clear with the freshness in the air.
: 13.1°C / 4.5°C
Chakrata often receives snowfall at the end of winters. Good for honeymoon couples. Days are sunny but nights could be freezing.