Today's weather of Devprayag is expected to be Sunny with a maximum temperature of 24° C and a minimum temperature of 14° C. The average humidity in Devprayag would hover around 74%.
The October month in Devprayag is generally pleasant and clear and you would feel pleasant throughout the day. Light Woolen are recommended in October.
Today's Hourly Weather forecast for Devprayag
11 AM
23° C
Feels like 25° C
Humidity 54%
Cloud cover 8%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
12 PM
24° C
Feels like 25° C
Humidity 51%
Cloud cover 7%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
01 PM
24° C
Feels like 25° C
Humidity 49%
Cloud cover 5%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
02 PM
24° C
Feels like 25° C
Humidity 49%
Cloud cover 6%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
03 PM
24° C
Feels like 25° C
Humidity 51%
Cloud cover 5%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
04 PM
23° C
Feels like 25° C
Humidity 64%
Cloud cover 6%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
05 PM
20° C
Feels like 20° C
Humidity 75%
Cloud cover 7%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
06 PM
18° C
Feels like 18° C
Humidity 80%
Cloud cover 8%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
07 PM
17° C
Feels like 17° C
Humidity 83%
Cloud cover 7%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
08 PM
16° C
Feels like 16° C
Humidity 85%
Cloud cover 7%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
09 PM
16° C
Feels like 16° C
Humidity 85%
Cloud cover 6%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
10 PM
16° C
Feels like 16° C
Humidity 84%
Cloud cover 6%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
11 PM
15° C
Feels like 15° C
Humidity 84%
Cloud cover 6%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
Devprayag Weather forecast for next 2 days
06 Oct 2024
24° C / 13° C
06:11 AM
05:54 PM
Humidity 54%
Cloud cover 6%
Precipitation 0mm
Chances of rain 0%
07 Oct 2024
24° C / 13° C
06:12 AM
05:53 PM
Humidity 52%
Cloud cover 5%
Precipitation 0mm
Chances of rain 0%
Overview of Devprayag Weather
Best time to visit Devprayag
Devprayag can be visited any time of the year but try to avoid the monsoons as the water is muddy and there are chances of roads getting blocked due to landslides.
Monthly Weather Overview
: 14°C / 2°C
: Pleasant And Clear
The weather of Devprayag in January is pleasant and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in Jan is 2 and 14 respectively.
: 20°C / 7°C
: Pleasant And Clear
The weather of Devprayag in February is pleasant and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in Feb is 7 and 20 respectively.
: 28°C / 14°C
: Pleasant And Clear
The weather of Devprayag in March is pleasant and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in Mar is 14 and 28 respectively.
: 34°C / 17°C
: Pleasant And Clear
The weather of Devprayag in April is pleasant and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in April is 17 and 34 respectively.
: 37°C / 22°C
: Hot And Humid
The weather of Devprayag in May is hot and humid. The minimum and maximum temperature in May is 22 and 37 respectively.
: 33°C / 23°C
: Hot And Humid
The weather of Devprayag in June is hot and humid. The minimum and maximum temperature in June is 23 and 33 respectively.
: 31°C / 23°C
: Rains
The weather of Devprayag in July is rains. The minimum and maximum temperature in Jul is 23 and 31 respectively.
: 30°C / 22°C
: Rains
The weather of Devprayag in Aug is rains. The minimum and maximum temperature in August is 22 and 30 respectively.
: 30°C / 22°C
: Cloudy And Pleasant
The weather of Devprayag in September is cloudy and pleasant. The minimum and maximum temperature in September is 22 and 30 respectively.
: 28°C / 14°C
: Pleasant And Clear
The weather of Devprayag in October is pleasant and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in October is 14 and 28 respectively.
: 24°C / 8°C
: Pleasant And Clear
The weather of Devprayag in November is pleasant and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in Nov is 8 and 24 respectively.
: 19°C / 6°C
: Pleasant And Clear
The weather of Devprayag in December is pleasant and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in December is 6 and 19 respectively.