Sagar is a road side village which lies on Chopta - Gopeshwar route in Chamoli district of Uttarakhand. You can reach to Sagar village from Chamoli or via Ukhimath route both. As it is well connected by road head so you can go there by using public transport. Nearest railway station to Sagar village is Rishikesh and Jolly Grant airport in Dehradun is the nearest airstrip.
Route: Rishikesh - Devprayag - Srinagar - Rudraprayag - Chamoli - Gopeshwar - Sagar village.
Road distance of Sagar village from Rishikesh: 217 kms
Road distance of Sagar village from Gopeshwar: 5 kms
You can also hire or rent a Cab/ Taxi to Sagar village. More details about Sagar village Car Rentals.