Munsiyari Weather

Munsiyari in April

The minimun and maximum temperature in April in Munsiyari is °C and °C respectively. The weather is generally in April and you would feel throughout the day. clothes are recommended for Munsiyari in April.

Munsiyari Weather in April

Best time to visit Munsiyari

March to April: The entire forest area turns red with rhododendron flowers, with snow capped Himalayas distinctly visible makes it an awesome site well worth visiting.

The Best months to visit Munsiyari are: March, April, May, October, November

Seasons in Munsiyari

Summer in Munsiyari: starts from March till June. This is also the season when tourists can enjoy a clear view of high peaks, with all the trekking routes open for tourists.

Monsoon season in Munsiyari: starts from June till mid September. Travelling and sightseeing during monsoon can get difficult due to heavy rain falls and landslides.

Winters in Munsiyari: starts from November till mid March. Whole area will be covered with sheets of snow, this time is favourable for honeymoon couples or adventure tourists for skiing and other snow activities.

Monthwise Average Temperature in Munsiyari

March, April, September & October: 15 to 25 ° on most days.
May and  June: 20 to 30 ° on most days.
July and August: 15 to 25 ° on most days.
November, December, January, February:  -12 to 20 ° on most days. Snowfall expected late December to early February.

Munsiyari Temperature and Weather Details

Check out the month wise weather update for Munsiyari


: °C / °C
The weather of Munsiyari in January is . The minimum and maximum temperature in Jan is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Munsiyari in February is . The minimum and maximum temperature in Feb is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Munsiyari in March is . The minimum and maximum temperature in Mar is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Munsiyari in April is . The minimum and maximum temperature in April is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Munsiyari in May is . The minimum and maximum temperature in May is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Munsiyari in June is . The minimum and maximum temperature in June is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Munsiyari in July is . The minimum and maximum temperature in Jul is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Munsiyari in Aug is . The minimum and maximum temperature in August is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Munsiyari in September is . The minimum and maximum temperature in September is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Munsiyari in October is . The minimum and maximum temperature in October is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Munsiyari in November is . The minimum and maximum temperature in Nov is and respectively.


: °C / °C
The weather of Munsiyari in December is . The minimum and maximum temperature in December is and respectively.

Munsiyari Tour Packages

Kumaon Extensive 9 Days Tour Package
9 Days / 8 Nights
On Request
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