Roorkee, Photo: pradeepsz/ Flickr

Roorkee Weather

Roorkee in April

The minimun and maximum temperature in April in Roorkee is 19°C and 34°C respectively. The weather is generally sunny and clear in April and you would feel hot throughout the day. Summer Clothes clothes are recommended for Roorkee in April.

Roorkee Weather in April

At the early July, summer start at Roorkee. Days could be hot and sunny.

Roorkee Temperature and Weather Details

Check out the month wise weather update for Roorkee


: 21°C / 8°C
: Pleasant And Clear
Due to its proximity with the Himalayas January in Roorkee is very cold with foggy weather.


: 21°C / 10°C
Feb is a cold month in Roorkee. Days could be sunny and clear but nights could be freezy.


: 28°C / 14°C
In the starting of the march Weather of the Roorkee remains cold but at the end summers start.


: 34°C / 19°C
At the early July, summer start at Roorkee. Days could be hot and sunny.


: 37°C / 22°C
May month is very hot in Roorkee with the amalgamation of humidity in the air. Temp can be reach to 45 degree at day time


: 35°C / 24°C
June is very hot and sunny in Roorkee. Most of the time temp cross 40 degree Celsius at day time.


: 32°C / 24°C
July is the arrival of Monsoon in Roorkee. But it doesn't receive rainfall often. Days are hot with the amalgamation of humidity in the air.


: 31°C / 24°C
Roorkiee receives infrequent rainfall in the month of August. Days are hot and cloudy with the amalgamation of humidity in the air.


: 31°C / 22°C
Days are hot, sunny and sometime cloudy in the month of September in Roorkee.


: 30°C / 18°C
October is a pleasant month in Roorkee. Days are sunny but temp doesn't go too high. Past monsoon rain expected.


: 27°C / 12°C
November is an ideal month of Roorkee with the pleasant temp at day time. Night could be more freezy at the end of the month.


: 23°C / 9°C
You can face chilling cold in the month of December in Roorkee. Days are cloudy with fog in the air. Cold wind expected from the northern Himalayan ranges.
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