Roorkee Weather

27 Oct 2024
29° C
20° C
06:28 AM
05:36 PM

Today's weather of Roorkee is expected to be Sunny with a maximum temperature of 30° C and a minimum temperature of 20° C. The average humidity in Roorkee would hover around 68%.

The October month in Roorkee is generally cloudy and pleasant and you would feel pleasant throughout the day. Summer Clothes are recommended in October. October is a pleasant month in Roorkee. Days are sunny but temp doesn't go too high. Past monsoon rain expected.

Today's Hourly Weather forecast for Roorkee

11 AM
28° C
Feels like 30° C
Humidity 55%
Cloud cover 4%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
12 PM
29° C
Feels like 30° C
Humidity 53%
Cloud cover 4%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
01 PM
29° C
Feels like 30° C
Humidity 52%
Cloud cover 3%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
02 PM
30° C
Feels like 31° C
Humidity 50%
Cloud cover 2%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
03 PM
28° C
Feels like 30° C
Humidity 55%
Cloud cover 3%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
04 PM
27° C
Feels like 28° C
Humidity 59%
Cloud cover 4%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
05 PM
26° C
Feels like 27° C
Humidity 64%
Cloud cover 4%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
06 PM
25° C
Feels like 26° C
Humidity 66%
Cloud cover 4%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
07 PM
24° C
Feels like 26° C
Humidity 68%
Cloud cover 4%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
08 PM
23° C
Feels like 25° C
Humidity 70%
Cloud cover 4%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
09 PM
23° C
Feels like 25° C
Humidity 71%
Cloud cover 4%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
10 PM
23° C
Feels like 25° C
Humidity 73%
Cloud cover 3%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
11 PM
22° C
Feels like 25° C
Humidity 74%
Cloud cover 3%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm

Roorkee Weather forecast for next 2 days

28 Oct 2024
30° C / 20° C
06:29 AM
05:35 PM
Humidity 52%
Cloud cover 2%
Precipitation 0mm
Chances of rain 0%
29 Oct 2024
31° C / 21° C
06:30 AM
05:34 PM
Humidity 48%
Cloud cover 4%
Precipitation 0mm
Chances of rain 0%

Overview of Roorkee Weather

Roorkee is a city in Uttarakhand known for the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Roorkee) and its rich historical significance:

Roorkee Weather Guide

Winter (December to February)

  • Temperature: 5°C to 20°C
  • Weather: Cool and pleasant with chilly nights. Mornings can be misty, especially in January, but the days are generally sunny and comfortable. Winter is an excellent time to explore the city's colonial architecture, visit IIT Roorkee, and take walks around the Ganga Canal. The cool weather is perfect for sightseeing, with major attractions like Solani Aqueduct and Roorkee Group Museum and Archives being pleasant to visit.

Spring (March to April)

  • Temperature: 15°C to 30°C
  • Weather: Warm and pleasant, with clear skies and moderate temperatures. The weather is comfortable throughout the day, though afternoons may start to feel warmer towards the end of April. Spring is a great time to explore outdoor attractions and parks. The pleasant weather allows for peaceful walks around the Ganga Canal and leisurely visits to historic sites. Roorkee’s gardens and parks come alive with blooming flowers.

Summer (May to June)

  • Temperature: 25°C to 40°C
  • Weather: Hot and dry, with temperatures soaring during the day. Afternoons can be scorching, often exceeding 35°C. Evenings are relatively cooler, but still warm. Summer is not the ideal time for outdoor activities due to the high heat. It is better to plan indoor visits, such as exploring museums or educational institutions. If visiting during summer, make sure to hydrate and avoid outdoor activities during peak afternoon hours.

Monsoon (July to September)

  • Temperature: 25°C to 35°C
  • Weather: Humid and rainy, with frequent rainfall, especially in July and August. The weather is warm, but the rains bring some relief from the heat. However, humidity levels rise, making it feel muggy at times. Monsoon adds a refreshing green touch to Roorkee, and the Ganga Canal becomes particularly scenic. However, outdoor activities may be interrupted by occasional showers. It's a good time to enjoy Roorkee’s natural beauty and greenery, but plan for indoor alternatives if it rains heavily.

Autumn (October to November)

  • Temperature: 15°C to 30°C
  • Weather: Pleasant and cool, with clear skies and mild temperatures. This is one of the most comfortable seasons in Roorkee, with the heat of summer gone and the chill of winter yet to arrive. Autumn is ideal for sightseeing, visiting IIT Roorkee, and exploring local markets and cultural spots. The pleasant weather makes it an excellent time for walks, outdoor activities, and photography around the city.

Best Time to Visit Roorkee

The best time to visit Roorkee is from October to April, covering the cooler and more pleasant autumn, winter, and spring months. These seasons provide the most comfortable weather for exploring the city's attractions and enjoying outdoor activities.

Roorkee experiences hot summers and humid monsoons, so it’s best to avoid visiting during these periods unless necessary. However, for those who enjoy cool weather and clear skies, winter and autumn are perfect for a peaceful visit to this historical and academic hub.

Monthly Weather Overview

: 21°C / 8°C
: Pleasant And Clear
Due to its proximity with the Himalayas January in Roorkee is very cold with foggy weather.
: 21°C / 10°C
: Cloudy And Pleasant
Feb is a cold month in Roorkee. Days could be sunny and clear but nights could be freezy.
: 28°C / 14°C
: Sunny
In the starting of the march Weather of the Roorkee remains cold but at the end summers start.
: 34°C / 19°C
: Sunny And Clear
At the early July, summer start at Roorkee. Days could be hot and sunny.
: 37°C / 22°C
: Hot And Humid
May month is very hot in Roorkee with the amalgamation of humidity in the air. Temp can be reach to 45 degree at day time
: 35°C / 24°C
: Hot And Humid
June is very hot and sunny in Roorkee. Most of the time temp cross 40 degree Celsius at day time.
: 32°C / 24°C
: Cloudy And Rains
July is the arrival of Monsoon in Roorkee. But it doesn't receive rainfall often. Days are hot with the amalgamation of humidity in the air.
: 31°C / 24°C
: Cloudy And Rains
Roorkiee receives infrequent rainfall in the month of August. Days are hot and cloudy with the amalgamation of humidity in the air.
: 31°C / 22°C
: Hot And Humid
Days are hot, sunny and sometime cloudy in the month of September in Roorkee.
: 30°C / 18°C
: Cloudy And Pleasant
October is a pleasant month in Roorkee. Days are sunny but temp doesn't go too high. Past monsoon rain expected.
: 27°C / 12°C
: Pleasant And Clear
November is an ideal month of Roorkee with the pleasant temp at day time. Night could be more freezy at the end of the month.
: 23°C / 9°C
: Pleasant And Clear
You can face chilling cold in the month of December in Roorkee. Days are cloudy with fog in the air. Cold wind expected from the northern Himalayan ranges.