Rudraprayag Weather

06 Oct 2024
24° C
13° C
Patchy rain nearby
06:10 AM
05:53 PM

Today's weather of Rudraprayag is expected to be Patchy rain nearby with a maximum temperature of 24° C and a minimum temperature of 13° C. The average humidity in Rudraprayag would hover around 71%. There is 77% probability of rain in Rudraprayag today and 0.11mm rainfall may be recorded in the area.

The October month in Rudraprayag is generally sunny and clear and you would feel pleasant throughout the day. Light Woolen are recommended in October.

Today's Hourly Weather forecast for Rudraprayag

11 AM
24° C
Feels like 25° C
Humidity 49%
Cloud cover 4%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
12 PM
24° C
Feels like 25° C
Humidity 48%
Cloud cover 4%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
01 PM
24° C
Feels like 25° C
Humidity 47%
Cloud cover 5%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
02 PM
24° C
Feels like 25° C
Humidity 49%
Cloud cover 6%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
03 PM
23° C
Feels like 25° C
Humidity 52%
Cloud cover 9%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
04 PM
22° C
Patchy rain nearby
Feels like 25° C
Patchy rain nearby
Humidity 62%
Cloud cover 79%
Chances of rain 68%
Precipitation 0.01mm
05 PM
19° C
Feels like 19° C
Humidity 75%
Cloud cover 8%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
06 PM
17° C
Patchy rain nearby
Feels like 17° C
Patchy rain nearby
Humidity 80%
Cloud cover 70%
Chances of rain 100%
Precipitation 0.1mm
07 PM
16° C
Feels like 16° C
Humidity 81%
Cloud cover 7%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
08 PM
16° C
Feels like 16° C
Humidity 82%
Cloud cover 7%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
09 PM
15° C
Feels like 15° C
Humidity 82%
Cloud cover 7%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
10 PM
15° C
Feels like 15° C
Humidity 82%
Cloud cover 7%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
11 PM
15° C
Feels like 15° C
Humidity 82%
Cloud cover 6%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm

Rudraprayag Weather forecast for next 2 days

07 Oct 2024
24° C / 13° C
06:11 AM
05:52 PM
Humidity 49%
Cloud cover 4%
Precipitation 0mm
Chances of rain 0%
08 Oct 2024
24° C / 13° C
06:11 AM
05:51 PM
Humidity 48%
Cloud cover 4%
Precipitation 0mm
Chances of rain 0%

Overview of Rudraprayag Weather

Best Time to Visit Rudraprayag

The best season to visit Rudraprayag is the winters and the start of of summers. The favourable months to visit the place are between October to March. The climate remains pleasant during these months offering tourists the best holiday experience.

Rudraprayag Weather in different seasons

Rudraprayag in Summers: Summers are hot in Rudraprayag and generally last between the months of April to June. The temperature ranges between a comfortable 20°C to 36°C in these months and relaxing cool breeze lifts up the spirits in the evenings. Sometimes the highest temperature has crossed the mark of 40°C as well.

Rudraprayag in Monsoons: Rudraprayag experiences moderate to heavy rainfalls in the months of July and September. The rains bring freshness and rejuvenating greenery to the place.

Rudraprayag in Winters: December is the the beginning of the winter season in Rudraprayag and it lasts till the month of March. Winters are plenty of sunshine but extremely cool throughout the day.

Monthly Weather Overview

: 16°C / 4°C
: Pleasant And Clear
The weather of Rudraprayag in January is pleasant and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in Jan is 4 and 16 respectively.
: 18°C / 2°C
: Pleasant And Clear
The weather of Rudraprayag in February is pleasant and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in Feb is 2 and 18 respectively.
: 25°C / 10°C
: Pleasant And Clear
The weather of Rudraprayag in March is pleasant and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in Mar is 10 and 25 respectively.
: 32°C / 20°C
: Sunny And Clear
The weather of Rudraprayag in April is sunny and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in April is 20 and 32 respectively.
: 35°C / 25°C
: Sunny And Clear
The weather of Rudraprayag in May is sunny and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in May is 25 and 35 respectively.
: 40°C / 26°C
: Hot And Humid
The weather of Rudraprayag in June is hot and humid. The minimum and maximum temperature in June is 26 and 40 respectively.
: 35°C / 25°C
: Cloudy And Rains
The weather of Rudraprayag in July is cloudy and rains. The minimum and maximum temperature in Jul is 25 and 35 respectively.
: 33°C / 24°C
: Cloudy And Rains
The weather of Rudraprayag in Aug is cloudy and rains. The minimum and maximum temperature in August is 24 and 33 respectively.
: 29°C / 19°C
: Cloudy And Pleasant
The weather of Rudraprayag in September is cloudy and pleasant. The minimum and maximum temperature in September is 19 and 29 respectively.
: 26°C / 13°C
: Sunny And Clear
The weather of Rudraprayag in October is sunny and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in October is 13 and 26 respectively.
: 23°C / 11°C
: Pleasant And Clear
The weather of Rudraprayag in November is pleasant and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in Nov is 11 and 23 respectively.
: 19°C / 5°C
: Sunny And Clear
The weather of Rudraprayag in December is sunny and clear. The minimum and maximum temperature in December is 5 and 19 respectively.