Tungnath Weather

Tungnath in April

The minimun and maximum temperature in April in Tungnath is 2°C and 15°C respectively. The weather is generally pleasant and clear in April and you would feel cold throughout the day. Heavy Woolen clothes are recommended for Tungnath in April.

Tungnath Weather in April

Days remains pleasant and clear but temp remains cold. Carry light woolen clothes. Temple door remains close on this month.

Tungnath Temperature and Weather Details

Check out the month wise weather update for Tungnath


: 6°C / -8°C
: Covered With Snow
Covered with snow and chances of heavy snowfall. Carry heavy woolen clothes and a pair of snow-boots.Trekking could be strenuous here on this season because of unclear trek route.. Temple door remains close on this month.


: 8°C / -6°C
Covered with snow and chances of heavy snowfall. Carry heavy woolen clothes and a pair of snow-boots. Trekking could be strenuous here on this season because of unclear trek route Temple door remains close on this month.


: 10°C / -4°C
Snow starts melting on this month in Tungnath. But on some locations trek route remains unclear because of snow. Temple door remains close on this month.


: 15°C / 2°C
Days remains pleasant and clear but temp remains cold. Carry light woolen clothes. Temple door remains close on this month.


: 20°C / 4°C
Days remains pleasant and clear but tempeature remains cold. Carry light woolen clothes. On this month temple door also open.


: 22°C / 4°C
Days remains pleasant and clear but temp remains cold. Carry light woolen clothes.


: 21°C / 6°C
Chances of heavy rainfall. Carry rain coat and light woolen clothes with shoes with good grip for trek.


: 19°C / 4°C
Chances of heavy rainfall. Carry rain coat and light woolen clothes with shoes with good grip for trek.


: 18°C / 4°C
Pleasant and clear days. Chances of post monsoon rainfall.


: 15°C / 1°C
Amalgamation of cloudy and sunny days. Good for trekking and to enjoy the rich flora-fauna and serene beauty around Tungnath.


: 13°C / -3°C
Amalgamation of extremely cold and sunny days. Chances of snowfall at the end of Nov. On the starting of Nov. temple door also closes.


: 9°C / -5°C
Freezing cold with chances of snowfall in the middle and end of Dec. carry heavy woolen clothes.

Tungnath Tour Packages

Chopta 2 Nights Trekking Tour with Tungnath Chandrashila
3 Days / 2 Nights
₹. 4,500.00    ₹ 3,500.00
Chopta 2 Nights Budget Package with Devariyatal
3 Days / 2 Nights
₹. 4,500.00    ₹ 3,500.00
Chopta - Chandrashila Trekking Expedition
4 Days / 3 Nights
₹. 5,900.00
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