Valley of Flowers Weather

Valley of Flowers in July

The minimun and maximum temperature in July in Valley of Flowers is 20°C and 8°C respectively. The weather is generally heavy rains in July and you would feel pleasant throughout the day. Light Woolen clothes are recommended for Valley of Flowers in July.

Valley of Flowers Weather in July

July month weather of Valley of flowers is passes in frequent showers but temp remains pleasant to travel.

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Valley of Flowers Best Time to Visit

The Valley of Flowers National Park remains open for visitors from 1st June to 31st October. The best time to visit this valley is during July, August and September.

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General Weather in Valley of Flower Region

The Valley of Flowers has a distinctive microclimate as it falls in the inner Himalayan valley of the Nanda Devi Basin. The region receives dry with low annual precipitation and heavy monsoon rainfall from late June to early September. Since the soil locks moisture during the monsoon season hence the vegetation remains lush green than it usually is, in the drier Himalayan valleys. 

The temperature remains moderate to cool (19 °C maximum) from mid-April to June. The Valley of Flowers has the microclimate of a circumscribed inner Himalayan Valley and remains secured from the jolt of the summer monsoon by the Greater Himalayan range to its south. Late summer monsoon brings dense fog and rain in the valley. Both the basin and valley are snow-shrouded for six to seven months between late October and late March.

Valley of Flower Seasons

  • Valley of flowers in May: The Valley of flowers becomes accessible in the last week of May when snow starts melting. In the month of May you will see a lot of snow but very less number of flowers. Advantage in visiting in May is that there will be no to less rain as the rainy season starts in the last week of June.
  • Valley of flowers in June: This month is flooded by a lot of pilgrims for Shri Hemkund Sahib, resulting in high cost of Food, Stay and transport facility. Also the availability of rooms gets affected. But, still certain specific flowers can be seen in this month. Also you can enjoy watching huge and beautiful glaciers, waterfalls in the valley of flowers. The biggest benefit in visiting in this month is that there will be very less to no rain. (Rain triggers landslide in this area and your plan may be affected). Rainy season starts only in June end or in first week of July.
  • Valley of flowers in July and August: As snow starts melting in May and new plants starts germinating and grow up till now. You will see a lot of flowers blooming till mid July. There are almost 650 varieties of flowers in total that can be seen in Valley of Flowers. The Best time to see maximum number of flowers is mid July to Mid August.
  • Valley of flowers in September: The September is the Autumn season of Valley of Flowers. This is the last month for visiting valley of flower. The plants starts drying up and put their seeds on the earth for the next season. Slowly at the end of the month and in the Next Month snow starts falling and the valley becomes inaccessible. The Last official trip to Valley of Flowers is generally taken in the last week of September.

Valley of Flowers Temperature and Weather Details

Check out the month wise weather update for Valley of Flowers


: -4°C / -10°C
: Covered With Snow
Closed due to heavy snowfall.


: -6°C / -13°C
Closed due to heavy snowfall.


: -2°C / -12°C
Closed due to heavy snowfall.


: -1°C / -6°C
Closed due to heavy snowfall.


: 5°C / -1°C
May month weather of Valley of flowers remains pleasant with clear sky. You can carry light woolen clothes with an umbrella.


: 6°C / 16°C
June month weather of Valley of flowers remains pleasant with bright sun but in 2nd week of June there is a trend of light showers or pre monsoon rainfall.


: 8°C / 20°C
July month weather of Valley of flowers is passes in frequent showers but temp remains pleasant to travel.


: 7°C / 24°C
Like July, August month weather of Valley of flowers remains pleasant with frequent rainfall. Carry good grip boots.


: 3°C / 23°C
September month weather in Valley of flowers remains quite good with slight temp. fall in the evening.


: 1°C / 20°C
October month weather of Valley of flowers is remains pleasant. With the arrival of winters, temperature can fall drastically when it rains.


: -1°C / 18°C
November month weather in Valley of flowers remain slightly cold. In the first week of November because of chances of sudden snowfall in VOF, authority closes its till the next summer season.


: -3°C / 15°C
Closed due to heavy snowfall.

Valley of Flowers Tour Packages

Valley Of Flowers Deluxe Package ex-Joshimath
6 Days / 5 Nights
₹. 20,000.00
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