Nandprayag Distance Chart

Nandprayag is well connected through road network. Since air and rail connectivity in Uttarakhand is limited, road network is the best and easily available transport option. You can either drive to Nandprayag or hire a cab/taxi to reach Nandprayag from Delhi or any other nearby cities.

Road Distance Chart to Nandprayag

Following is the driving distance chart to Nandprayag from various cities and towns in Uttarakhand and from Delhi NCR Region (New Delhi, Ghaziabad, Noida, Gurgaon, Faridabad).

  • Delhi to Nandprayag: 423 kms
  • Ghaziabad to Nandprayag: 402 kms
  • Noida to Nandprayag: 425 kms
  • Gurgaon to Nandprayag: 457 kms
  • Meerut to Nandprayag: 356 kms
  • Modinagar to Nandprayag: 379 kms
  • Moradabad to Nandprayag: 303 kms
  • Chandigarh to Nandprayag: 398 kms
  • Bareilly to Nandprayag: 341 kms
  • Kanpur to Nandprayag: 611 kms
  • Lucknow to Nandprayag: 589 kms
  • Shimla to Nandprayag: 459 kms
  • Jaipur to Nandprayag: 696 kms
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Distances from Nandprayag with Travel Duration

The distances from Nandprayag are recorded from National Highway 7 at Nandprayag. The distance and driving time are approx and close to the actuals. However, driving time may vary from person to person and the one mentioned is average driving time.

10.4 kms / 24 mins
19.5 kms / 45 mins
21 kms / 39 mins
30.3 kms / 1 hr
41.8 kms / 1 hr 19 mins
53.8 kms / 1 hr 45 mins
58 kms / 1 hr 54 mins
60.3 kms / 2 hr
61 kms
69.6 kms / 2 hr 15 mins
71.3 kms
71.5 kms / 2 hr 19 mins
72.2 kms / 2 hr 15 mins
80.5 kms
85.6 kms / 2 hr 45 mins
87.2 kms / 3 hr
90.3 kms / 3 hr
91.4 kms / 3 hr
94.1 kms / 3 hr
103 kms / 3 hr 15 mins
104 kms / 3 hr 19 mins
104 kms / 3 hr 15 mins
108 kms / 3 hr
117 kms / 3 hr 45 mins
121 kms / 3 hr 45 mins
123 kms / 4 hr 9 mins
130 kms
133 kms / 4 hr 19 mins
169 kms / 5 hr 24 mins
182 kms / 6 hr
193 kms / 5 hr 45 mins
214 kms / 6 hr 24 mins
218 kms / 7 hr 19 mins
221 kms / 6 hr 30 mins
235 kms / 7 hr
259 kms / 9 hr 9 mins
314 kms / 9 hr 15 mins