Places to See in Auli

Auli has 8 tourist spots and places to see.

Following is the list tourist places in Auli. These are some of the popular tourist spots in Auli.

There are 8 tourist spots in Auli where travellers can spent their leisure time. Here you will find list of all the Auli sightseeing options which you must visit and plan your itinerary accordingly. Explore the hidden gems of Auli through this well-researched list, learn about the most happening places, things to do, famous picnic spots for a memorable vacation in Auli.

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Auli Ropeway

Auli Ropeway

4.4 kms / 24 mins
Paid Entry | Exploration Time 1 hr |
Auli Ropeway is the major attraction in Auli offering magnificent and majestic Himalayan views. A highest and longest ropeway in Asia after Gulmarg, A...
Auli Artificial Lake

Auli Artificial Lake

2 kms / 15 mins
Free Entry | Exploration Time 1 hr
Auli Artificial Lake is a pristine lake perched at an astounding elevation. It is one of the world's highest man-made lakes. The government to provide...
Gorson Bugyal

Gorson Bugyal

4.7 kms / 19 mins
Free Entry | Exploration Time
Gurson Bugyal (Gorso Bugyal) is located at an altitude of 3056 mts, just 3 kms trek from Auli. It is a large land of green pastures surrounded by coni...


4 kms
Chattrakund is a small lake of sweet crystal clear water near Auli, Joshimath. Located at an elevation around 3300 mts above sea level, Chattrakund is...


10 kms / 24 mins
Nestled with love in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand, the sacred town of Joshimath spreads its celestial aura in the entire Garhwal region of...
Chenab Lake

Chenab Lake

Chenab Lake is a small crystalline water lake near Joshimath. Untouched and unexplored beauty of Chenab lake attracts many tourists inspite of unbuilt...
Narsingh Temple

Narsingh Temple

10 kms
Narsingh Temple is a popular temple in Joshimath. Famous as a part of Sapt Badri, Narsingh Temple is also called as Narsingh Badri Temple and a sacred...
Auli Chair Lift

Auli Chair Lift

Paid Entry | Exploration Time 2 hr |
Auli Chair Lift connects Auli to the Skiing slopes of Auli. It is one of the best way to reach the skiing slopes if you are visiting Auli by your own ...

Auli Tour Packages

2 Nights Camping Package in Auli
3 Days / 2 Nights
₹. 5,800.00    ₹ 4,900.00
Auli Skiing - 5 Nights Super Saver Package
6 Days / 5 Nights
₹. 35,000.00
3 Nights Tour of Auli with Joshimath
4 Days / 3 Nights
On Request
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