Badrinath Weather

Badrinath in July

The minimun and maximum temperature in July in Badrinath is 11°C and 14°C respectively. The weather is generally rains in July and you would feel pleasant throughout the day. Light Woolen clothes are recommended for Badrinath in July.

Badrinath Weather in July

In July, Badrinath region is prone of heavy snow fall and landslides. Try to avoid traveling Badrinath in Monsoon season.

Badrinath Weather Update

  • Badrinath Summers (March to June): are very pleasant with moderate climate, with average temperature around 18°C. Summers are ideal for sight seeing and pilgrimage.
  • Badrinath Monsoons (July to October): are accompanied with scanty rains and also temperature drops down to 15°C.
  • Badrinath Winters (November to February): are chilly days with average temperature being near 5°C. Minimum can touch sub zero levels and snowfall is seen very often during winters. These months are perfect for travellers who like chilly weather.

Best Time to visit Badrinath: The ideal time or peak season to go to Badrinath or on a Char Dham Yatra is from May to October, except monsoons as the roads are prone to frequent landslides. The portals of the Badrinath temple annually opens between the summer months of April-May and closes during winters.

Badrinath Temperature and Weather Details

Check out the month wise weather update for Badrinath


: 8°C / 1°C
: Snowfall
In Jan, Barinath often receives Snowfall and its not possible to reach there on this month because snow completely blocked the road.


: 10°C / 6°C
Heavy snowfall block the road so its not possible to travel Badrinath during this month.


: 11°C / 3°C
Not easy to reach Badrinath in march because of snow covered roads. climate remains very cold till the end of the month


: 16°C / 6°C
Covered with snow with very cold temperature. April is also not an ideal month to travel to Badrinath because of blocked roads and infrequent snowfall.


: 22°C / 11°C
A warm temperature clear all the snow covered roads. Although, light woolen clothes are recommended. Temperature goes further down at night. The door of the Badrinath temple also opens in the May month.


: 16°C / 9°C
A slightly rise in the temperature makes June a suitable month to travel in Badrinath. Carry warm clothes because temp goes down at night.


: 14°C / 11°C
In July, Badrinath region is prone of heavy snow fall and landslides. Try to avoid traveling Badrinath in Monsoon season.


: 16°C / 12°C
Infrequent rain can cause road blocks with landslides. Days are warm but nights could be freezy.


: 14°C / 11°C
Could receives post monsoon rainfall but occasionally. An ideal month to travel Badrinath. The valley turns into a green carpet with blooming flowers.


: 17°C / 12°C
October is the arrival of winters in the valley. Days are cold and pleasant. Chances of snowfall at the end of the month.


: 14°C / 6°C
The valley adorned a thick blanket of snow on this month till the end. Extremely cold waves flows through the valley.


: 12°C / 5°C
Infrequent snowfall with extremely cold weather.

Badrinath Tour Packages

Same Day Do Dham Helicopter Tour Package ex-Dehradun
Same Day
₹. 115,000.00    ₹ 110,000.00
Char Dham Luxury Helicopter Tour Package ex-Dehradun
6 Days / 5 Nights
₹. 210,000.00    ₹ 205,000.00
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