Today's weather of Badrinath is expected to be Light freezing rain with a maximum temperature of 6° C and a minimum temperature of -6° C. The average humidity in Badrinath would hover around 29%. There is 82% probability of rain in Badrinath today and 0.4mm rainfall may be recorded in the area.
The February month in Badrinath is generally snowfall and you would feel chilling cold throughout the day. Heavy Woolen are recommended in February. Heavy snowfall block the road so its not possible to travel Badrinath during this month.
Today's Hourly Weather forecast for Badrinath
11 AM
6° C
Feels like 3° C
Humidity 19%
Cloud cover 8%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
12 PM
6° C
Feels like 4° C
Humidity 19%
Cloud cover 10%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
01 PM
6° C
Feels like 4° C
Humidity 20%
Cloud cover 15%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
02 PM
6° C
Feels like 3° C
Humidity 21%
Cloud cover 23%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0mm
03 PM
5° C
Feels like 2° C
Patchy rain nearby
Humidity 22%
Cloud cover 80%
Chances of rain 82%
Precipitation 0.01mm
04 PM
4° C
Feels like 2° C
Patchy rain nearby
Humidity 26%
Cloud cover 78%
Chances of rain 71%
Precipitation 0.02mm
05 PM
2° C
Feels like -0° C
Patchy rain nearby
Humidity 32%
Cloud cover 88%
Chances of rain 68%
Precipitation 0.03mm
06 PM
-0° C
Feels like -0° C
Light freezing rain
Humidity 35%
Cloud cover 82%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0.03mm
07 PM
-1° C
Feels like -3° C
Light freezing rain
Humidity 39%
Cloud cover 57%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0.04mm
08 PM
-0° C
Feels like -3° C
Light freezing rain
Humidity 44%
Cloud cover 76%
Chances of rain 0%
Precipitation 0.04mm
09 PM
-1° C
Feels like -3° C
Light snow
Humidity 47%
Cloud cover 63%
Chances of rain 100%
Precipitation 0.05mm
10 PM
-1° C
Feels like -4° C
Patchy light snow
Humidity 49%
Cloud cover 54%
Chances of rain 100%
Precipitation 0.07mm
11 PM
-1° C
Feels like -4° C
Patchy moderate snow
Humidity 51%
Cloud cover 70%
Chances of rain 100%
Precipitation 0.11mm
Badrinath Weather forecast for next 2 days
09 Feb 2025
5° C / -5° C
06:57 AM
05:55 PM
Humidity 32%
Patchy rain nearby
Cloud cover 86%
Precipitation 0.02mm
Chances of rain 88%
10 Feb 2025
4° C / -6° C
06:57 AM
05:56 PM
Humidity 27%
Cloud cover 7%
Precipitation 0mm
Chances of rain 0%
Overview of Badrinath Weather
Badrinath Weather Guide
Summer (May to June)
Temperature: 7°C to 18°C
Weather: Cool and pleasant, with clear skies and comfortable daytime temperatures. Nights are chilly but manageable.
Activities: This is the best time to visit Badrinath for the pilgrimage season, as the temple opens in May. It’s also ideal for sightseeing, trekking, and visiting nearby spots like Mana Village and Vasudhara Falls.
Monsoon (July to September)
Temperature: 10°C to 15°C
Weather: Frequent rain, with misty and cloudy conditions. Landslides are common, making travel challenging and risky.
Activities: Monsoon is not the ideal time to visit Badrinath due to the increased risk of landslides and roadblocks. However, the rain enhances the greenery and beauty of the region for those who prefer scenic monsoon landscapes.
Autumn (October to November)
Temperature: 5°C to 14°C
Weather: Cold, with crisp air and clear skies, offering stunning views of the surrounding snow-capped peaks.
Activities: This is the last chance to visit the temple before it closes for winter, usually around November. The weather is pleasant for sightseeing, and the crowd thins out compared to the summer months.
Winter (December to April)
Temperature: -5°C to 10°C
Weather: Extremely cold, with heavy snowfall. The temple remains closed during this period, and the area becomes mostly inaccessible due to snow.
Activities: Badrinath is not accessible in winter, as the temple is closed and the roads are often blocked by snow. The pilgrimage shifts to the winter abode of the deity at Joshimath during these months.
Best Time to visit Badrinath:
Badrinath is best visited during the summer and autumn months (May to November), when the temple is open and the weather is relatively pleasant. Monsoon brings challenges due to landslides, and winter closes off the region completely. The portals of the Badrinath temple annually opens between the summer months of April-May and closes during winters.
In Jan, Barinath often receives Snowfall and its not possible to reach there on this month because snow completely blocked the road.
: 10°C / 6°C
: Snowfall
Heavy snowfall block the road so its not possible to travel Badrinath during this month.
: 11°C / 3°C
: Snowfall
Not easy to reach Badrinath in march because of snow covered roads. climate remains very cold till the end of the month
: 16°C / 6°C
: Snowfall
Covered with snow with very cold temperature. April is also not an ideal month to travel to Badrinath because of blocked roads and infrequent snowfall.
: 22°C / 11°C
: Sunny
A warm temperature clear all the snow covered roads. Although, light woolen clothes are recommended. Temperature goes further down at night. The door of the Badrinath temple also opens in the May month.
: 16°C / 9°C
: Sunny
A slightly rise in the temperature makes June a suitable month to travel in Badrinath. Carry warm clothes because temp goes down at night.
: 14°C / 11°C
: Rains
In July, Badrinath region is prone of heavy snow fall and landslides. Try to avoid traveling Badrinath in Monsoon season.
: 16°C / 12°C
: Rains
Infrequent rain can cause road blocks with landslides. Days are warm but nights could be freezy.
: 14°C / 11°C
: Sunny
Could receives post monsoon rainfall but occasionally. An ideal month to travel Badrinath. The valley turns into a green carpet with blooming flowers.
: 17°C / 12°C
: Chances Of Snowfall
October is the arrival of winters in the valley. Days are cold and pleasant. Chances of snowfall at the end of the month.
: 14°C / 6°C
: Snowfall
The valley adorned a thick blanket of snow on this month till the end. Extremely cold waves flows through the valley.