Yamunotri Weather

Yamunotri in July

The minimun and maximum temperature in July in Yamunotri is 10°C and 18°C respectively. The weather is generally rains in July and you would feel cold throughout the day. Light Woolen clothes are recommended for Yamunotri in July.

Yamunotri Weather in July

Quite clear with infrequent rainfall. Heavy rain could lead to landslide in the region which can hindered your tour.

Best time to visit Yamunotri

You can visit to Yamunotri from May to October but most of the people often avoid to visit Yamunotri in the month of monsoons because of frequent rainfall & landslides in the hilly regions. The best season to visit Yamunotri temple is from September to October because of less crowd and budget hotels. 

Although, May & June are also good time to visit but at this time this pilgrimage recives high number of pilgrims which can make you uncomfortable at the time of darshan and to find budget hotel.

Yamunotri Temperature and Weather Details

Check out the month wise weather update for Yamunotri


: 3°C / -2°C
: Covered With Snow
In Jan, Yamunotri remains inaccessible covered with thick blanket of snow. The temple also remains close during this winter season.


: 4°C / -1°C
In Feb, Yamunotri remains inaccessible covered with thick blanket of snow. The temple also remains close during this winter season.


: 9°C / 3°C
Chances of Snowfall. Hard to access Yamunotri during March month because of snow covered roads, The temple also remains close during this month.


: 13°C / 4°C
Freezing cold. Temp could goes further down at night. Yamunotri temple remains shut down during this month.


: 17°C / 6°C
An ideal month to visit Yamunotri. The gates of the temple opens in May and snow starts melting.


: 19°C / 10°C
June is also a ideal month to visit Yamunotri. Chances of rainfall in the end of the month. Carry light woolen clothes. Temp could goes further down at night.


: 18°C / 10°C
Quite clear with infrequent rainfall. Heavy rain could lead to landslide in the region which can hindered your tour.


: 17°C / 9°C
Quite clear with infrequent rainfall. Heavy rain could lead to landslide in the region which can hindered your tour.


: 17°C / 7°C
Post monsoon rainfall expected. Amalgamation of cloudy and sunny days. Temp remains calm in the day but shows a dip at night.


: 13°C / 3°C
Weather turns quite cold with chilly nights. Good for pilgrimage and outdoor activities don't forget to carry heavy woolen clothes.


: 9°C / -1°C
Freezing cold in the end of the month. The temple also get closed during this month.


: 6°C / -4°C
Temperatures get lowered to zero degree with heavy snowfall which results road blocks.

Yamunotri Tour Packages

Char Dham Luxury Helicopter Tour Package ex-Dehradun
6 Days / 5 Nights
₹. 210,000.00    ₹ 205,000.00
9 Days Chardham Package From Haridwar
9 Days / 8 Nights
₹. 0.00
Bali Pass Fixed Departure Trekking Package
7 Days / 6 Nights
₹. 22,900.00
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